Document Legalisation Services (Pty) Ltd

South African Services Company Specialising in Legalising official documents and end user certificates for use outside the borders of South-Africa


Document Apostille, Authentication, Embassy Legalisation and Notary Public Services Pretoria, South Africa. We can Legalise, Authenticate or Apostille your documents from just R850 all-inclusive.

Document Legalisation Services for South-African Documents.  image
Document Legalisation Services (Pty) Ltd provides a document legalisation service and embassy attestation to assist you in legalising your South African documents for use overseas. An Apostille or Authentication Certificate is normally requested by foreign authorities and organisations so that the document can be used for official purposes outside of South Africa. It is also referred to as document legalisation, document authentication or document attestation. Many countries also ask that you get your documents attested by their South African embassy or Consulate.

We provide a complete document legalisation service for all South African documents
It may be the first time you have heard of an Apostille Certificate. An Apostille Certificate is only ever required if you have dealings outside of South Africa which involve some form of official paperwork. Apostilles are required for work, business, legal issues and personal matters. The most common requirements for an Apostille Certificate are overseas marriage, registering births, working or teaching abroad, foreign property purchases and business transactions or contracts.

This website has been produced to help you obtain the Apostille Certificate and stamp from the correct government office in an efficient manner and to provide you with more information. Please use this site as a resource but should you need to speak to an advisor do not hesitate to call us on our South African phone number 087 0010 733 or see our full contact details on our contact us page.
he first thing we do is check that your document is suitable for to be legalised with an apostille certificate. Not all documents are legalised in the same way. Your document may need to be certified by a Notary Public or an official certified copy may need to be ordered if not available. Other documents must be original versions and copies are not acceptable.

We will provide you with clear advice for your circumstances and assist you in obtaining correct documentation where necessary. We can also arrange for our solicitor to certify your documents to save you both time and money. Having checked your documents and legalised certified them as required we will personally attend the DIRCO or the High Court to arrange for the apostille to be issued.

Whilst your documents are in our possession we will ensure that they are handled with the care and attention they deserve. Once the apostille has been attached to your document we will return them to you by Postnet or a local or international courier.

Why Choose Our Service?
A few reasons why so many customers choose Document Legalisation Services.
Informative and helpful advice from our document legalisation team
More than 10 years of apostille and document legalisation experience
Notary Public Services available onsite.
All South-African documents processed
Quick service and efficient service
Free advice - Call or email us now
Updates on your order by phone or email on request
International delivery of documents
All payment cards, cash, eft and payment gateway available.
Discounts for large orders and regular customers

At Document  Legalisation Services, we have over 20 years of experience in providing apostille certificates for virtually all South African documents and certificates. We understand the importance of the process and the need to ensure that the documents are presented correctly with the necessary seals and signatures in order to guarantee the successful issuing of the apostille certificate. We can also provide translation services if required. All documents entrusted to us are handled with the utmost care and security. To make use of our services, submit an online quotation request. We will immediately supply you with a quotation and timeline for the document legalisation service, and once and upon acceptance, we will take care of the rest and return the apostilled documents to you. 

No obligation online quotation for document legalisation services. Upload documents using the safe facility if you want us to check them for you. We will only proceed once you have accepted the quotation.

We provide a range of additional services that may be required for the apostille (authentication and legalization) of your documents, including notarial services such as certified true copies, translations, and assistance with required supporting documents. Contact us for more information.

Louwrens Koen Attorneys provides a fast apostille service to assist you in legalising your South African documents for use overseas. The Apostille Certificate is normally requested by foreign authorities and organisations so that the document can be used for official purposes outside of South Africa. It is also referred to as document legalisation, document authentication or document attestation. Many countries also ask that you get your documents attested by their South African embassy or Consulate. We provide a complete legalisation service for all South African documents.

This website has been produced to help you obtain the Apostille Legalisation Certificate and stamp from the correct government office in an efficient manner and to provide you with more information. Please use this site as a resource but should you need to speak to an advisor do not hesitate to call us on our South African phone number 087 0010 733 or see our full contact details on our contact us page.

We are currently experiencing severe delays regarding the DIRCO Apostille Service. We will give an time estimate when ordering based on current orders but cannot guarantee these time estimates. We pride ourselves on offering an expert service ensuring your document is legalised in the appropriate way.

There are often several ways to legalise a document but typically only one way will be accepted by the country the document is intended for. This is where our service really comes into its own, our vast experience ensures your document is accepted by the authority you intend to present it to.

Our specialists are experts at managing all aspects of the South-African Document Legalisation & apostille process (officially known as document authentication and legalization) on behalf of our clients.  

When you contact us for your free consultation we’ll explain your options and answer your questions.  Walk in service or send your documents to our Pretoria office and we will do the rest, rapidly returning your processed documents to you.  

Getting started is easy – phone us toll-free at 0870010733 or fill out our Online Quotation Form below.

How you help me to legalise or apostille my documents?

We specialise in helping people just like you prepare your documents to be used in foreign countries.  We handle the document legalisation or or acquiring an apostille certificate on your behalf.

You send or drop of your your documents to us and we will handle the rest, often in as little as a few days. This process consists of three steps:

  1. Document preparation – we make sure your documents will meet the criteria of each step of the process.
  2. Document authentication – we will have your documents authenticated at at the appropriate authorities in South-Africa. 
  3. Document legalisation – we will have your documents legalised at the embassy or consulate of the destination country.

Contact our friendly specialists to discuss your options and answer your questions. We would be happy to hear from you! 

Getting started is easy. Complete the online form or phone us at 087 0010 733 or pop in to our offices located within the Northern Pavilion of Loftus Versveld Stadium (ample safe parking). We’ll get back to you right away.

Most customers order and quote online. Submit online form and we will get right back to you. If you are not sure how to complete the order form or need any advice on additional service do not hesitate to message us for professional free advice. Tel: 0870010733.

Our friendly staff would welcome the chance to answer your questions

We understand that the authentication & legalization process can be complicated and confusing. We’ll take the time to understand your situation and answer any questions you have.

Click below for a breakdown of our pricing.

When you contact our staff we will describe your options to you and provide you a detailed quote, so you know exactly what is involved.

Documents we frequently legalise with an Apostille Certificate

We process a wide range of documents for our clients.

Click below for a list of the more common documents we process, or contact us to discuss your particular document.

The following are answers to the most common questions we get about the South-African document legalisation and apostille process.

Yes!  We specialise in helping people just like you prepare your documents to be used in foreign countries.  

We can certainly handle the legalisation or or acquiring an apostille certificate on your behalf.

You send or drop of your your documents to us and we will handle the rest, often in as little as a few days. This process consists of three steps:
  1. Document preparation – we make sure your documents will meet the criteria of each step of the process.
  2. Document authentication – we will have your documents authenticated at at the appropriate authorities in South-Africa. 
  3. Document legalisation – we will have your documents legalised at the embassy or consulate of the destination country.
Contact our friendly specialists to discuss your options and answer your questions. We would be happy to hear from you!
Yes and no.  A document with an apostille can be used in almost any other apostille country without additional requirements.

Whereas, a document that has gone through the authentication and embassy legalisation process can use in the country for which it was legalised.

Both the apostille and the document authentication and legalization process have the same purpose; to certify a document created in one country so that it can be officially recognised in another country.

Apostille certificates are issued by countries that are signatory to the Hague Apostille Convention.

Countries that are not a signatory to this convention, instead of issuing apostille certificates, uses a process called authentication and sometimes embassy legalisation.

We are available to answer your questions and to discuss your documents. Contact us toll-free at 087 0010 733 or send us an online enquiry or get an detailed quotation. 

The Hague Apostille Convention, formally known as the “Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents”, is an international agreement governing how a document issued in one country can be certified for legal purposes in another.  

This certification is called the apostille process. Any country that is a signatory to the Hague Apostille Convention will legally recognise documents from other signatory countries as long as these documents have first been “apostilled”.

Countries that are not a signatory to The Hague Apostille Convention therefore cannot obtain an apostille on a their official documents. The appropriate document legalisation process to certify the signatures on documents for these countries is called authentication and and embassy attestation.

For more information on the Hague Apostille Convention and feel free to contact us. We would happily discuss your documents and how to best have them processed for use abroad. Call us at 087 0010 733 or send us an online enquiry or get an online quotation. 


expunge criminal record south africa  image
How can we help?
If you meet the criteria you can choose to apply to have your record expunged, which is a free service offered by the Justice Department and the Constitutional Development department. However, we understand the process might be overwhelming, which is why we are here to help you.
With Louwrens Koen Attorneys you’re not alone

Louwrens Koen Attorneys is your legal companion. Our experts can help advise you on how follow the correct legal procedure and what legal steps you might be able to take to clear your criminal record.


Needed to Apply for Your International Drivers Licence

Driver’s licence verification certificate: Why and how to obtain it

At times, you might be requested to submit a South African Driver’s Licence Verification Certificate. More often than not, you might have to produce this certificate when you apply to convert your SA licence into an international driver’s licence. These certificates are issued by the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) after the National Traffic Information System verifies that the applicant does have a valid South African driver’s licence. The certificate serves as proof that the individual has a valid licence and will allow them to convert to a foreign driving licence in the country of current residence.

Who needs to apply for a South African driver’s licence verification certificate?

As mentioned, a verification certificate of your driver’s licence will be required when you wish to convert your South African licence into a foreign driver’s licence. It might also be difficult to rent a car abroad because the South African driver’s licence card only indicates the date of issue for a specific licence and not the date on which you first qualified as a driver. This is why it is advisable to apply for a Verification Certificate of your driver’s licence from the Road Traffic Management Corporation before travelling abroad if you plan to hire a vehicle. Some countries may also not accept South African driver’s licences as valid licence and it might be necessary to apply for an international driver’s licence from the Automobile Association before departing, in which case you will also need to produce a Verification Certificate.

How can I apply for a verification certificate for my SA driving licence?

Unfortunately, the process of obtaining your verification certificate can be complicated, and even though the steps to applying for such certificates might seem straightforward, it is often the waiting times involved in the process which can be a major burden.Applicants will have to lodge a request with the Road Traffic Management Corporation for a Confirmation or Verification Certificate of their driver’s licence. Once the RTMC has received the request, they will investigate and print a copy of the licence required along with a Verification Certificate of the licence. This certificate reflects the date on which the licence was first issued.

What does the driver’s licence confirmation certificate look like?

The document states that a person (name and Identity Number) has obtained and holds a driver’s licence in South Africa, which type, where it was issued and when it was earned. It also shows the expiry date and the restrictions (if any) that the driver has. Finally, the bulk of it explains to a reader what the driving licence code means (e.g. in the above example, the code is EB).

What are the waiting times for obtaining a verification certificate?

Applying for a driver’s licence verification certificate without the help of documentation specialists generally takes anywhere between two and six can assist you in obtaining your Verification Certificate in between 4 and 15 working days of applying (excluding courier time). We can also have it apostilled in as little as 48 hours, or, if you need to have it authenticated and attested, we can assist with that as well. 
  • Apostille Certificate Services Office 4, 2nd Floor, Northern Pavilion, Loftus Versveld,, 416 Kirkness St, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0007

Document Legalisation - We check and prepare your documents before submission.

Document Preparation of your Documents  image
Document preparation is the first step of the document authentication and legalisation process.

If you make a mistake in this first step you will need to restart the process from the beginning, losing time and money. Read on for information on this crucial step, or contact our friendly experts directly to get your questions answered.

How to Prepare Your Documents
Preparing your documents for the authentication and legalization process can involve any of the following:
  • having your documents notarized
  • having a notary make certified true copies of your documents
  • having certified translations made of your documents
  • providing required supporting documents
Click on the buttons below for more info, or contact our friendly specialists to discuss the document preparation requirements that apply to your specific situation!

How can you help me?
When you contact us for a free consultation the first thing we’ll do is discuss your situation with you to determine the specific document processing requirements that apply. We’ll then help you with these preparations, ensuring your documents are ready for the authentication and legalisation process. Phone us at 0870010733 or fill out our quick GET STARTED form below and we’ll get right back to you.



Ten years of document legalisation experience.


A South African Apostille Certificate can be attached to almost any type of document just so long as the document has originated from South Africa. Which documents can be issued with an Apostille Certificate? 

 Personal documents 

Personal documents range from academic certificates through to birth, marriage, and death certificates. Another common requirement is for personal documents relating to a marriage outside South Africa or when settling a deceased persons estate with assets outside of South Africa. 

Business Documents 

Typically, business documents include certificates of incorporation and memorandum and articles of association. These sorts of documents often require an Apostille to prove an South African company exists when carrying our business overseas. Often businesses will need to issue Powers of Attorneys to their representatives overseas. These will require an Apostille certificate to make the document legally valid. It is often possible to combine documents under one Apostille to reduce costs. Please contact us for advice on how best to issue an Apostille Certificate to your particular documents.