Angola Embassy Attestation in Pretoria South Africa

Angola is not a member of the Hague Apostille Convention. The Apostille certificate process is not followed. South African documents destined for use in Angola is legalised through an Authentication process regulated by High Court Rule 63. Additionally to the authentication process, the document must also go through an Embassy Attestation process at the Angola Embassy.

Document Legalisation Services (Pty) Ltd can assist you through this whole involved process and can even have your document translated if required. We can legalise through the Embassy Attestation process almost any South African document or certificate for official use in Angola.
List of Documents we frequently legalise with an Authentication Certificate
Consent letter for children to travel or visit overseas;
Powers of Attorney;
Certified translations;
University, degrees, diplomas, course certificates, school certificates and transcripts;
Doctor and Dentist applications for overseas appointments;
Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates;
Change of Name documents;
Single Status Certificates;
Certificate of No Impediment to Overseas Marriage;
Statutory Declaration signed before a Notary Public;
Probate, Letters of Administration;
Land Transfer documents;
Affidavits, sworn Statements, and depositions sworn before an South-African Notary Public;
Certificate of Incorporation of South-African Company issued by CIPC and miscellaneous original company documents;
Notarised copy of Passport, Drivers Licence and other identity documents;
Certificate of Divorce issued by the Court of South-Africa;
Police Clearance Certificate ("no criminal record") issued by SAPS;
Miscellaneous notarised documents for use overseas;

This list is not exhaustive. If you have a document not listed above which you require Apostilled.

We take care of the entire process. Send us your documents and save yourself a lot of trouble and time.

  • One simple to complete the order form to complete and post with your documents. Click for Online Quotation & Order Form
  • On receipt, your documents are checked for suitability and to confirm the best way to process them. Click here for the list of commonly legalised documents.
  • We then attend the various governmental departments, translator, High Court, Department of Foreign Affairs and the relevant embassy.  It can take up to 10 attendances at various institutions to have your documents legalised up to embassy level.
  • We add embassy fees onto our account. It is advisable to first get a quotation of costs especially if the documents are for corporate or business purposes. Some embassies charge substantial fees for these corporate legalisations.
We understand that legalising documents for use abroad can be complicated. We are here to make your life easier. Do not hesitate to contact us for help or advice. You are also welcome to visit our offices to discuss your options, costs involved and estimated time frames for completion.

For further information please contact:
Hanelie de Beer
Document Legalisation Services

Office 4, Second Floor, Northern Pavilion, Loftus Versveld, 416 Kirkness Street, Pretoria.
Tel 0870010733