Embassy Attestation Service Pretoria 

Documents which are being presented for use in a country which is not party to the Hague Convention (relating to apostilles) will often request further legalisation or attestation. This usually involves having an apostille attached to the document and then carrying out further legalisation through the embassy of that country.
This can add considerable complexity to the process as all embassies have different procedures and costs. It is also advisable to ask the person or authority that you intend to present the document to what their exact requirements are.

We have many years of experience in dealing with embassies of various countries so you can rely on us to provide the service of legalising documents for your particular destination country. As the procedure and cost varies from one embassy to another, and even from one document type to another, it is not possible to list all of the prices for our embassy legalisation services on this website.
Working with many of the world’s South African based embassies we offer a complete embassy attestation service. We can arrange for your documents to be attested in just a few days. Legalising documents with most embassies is a time consuming and confusing process. Researching the subject and acquiring the correct information can take hours. The processes and requirements of the various embassies constantly change. Incorrectly attesting and legalisation of your documents can be very time consuming and costly.
We can assist. With over 10 years of experience attesting documents with most of the embassies, consulates and High Commissions in Pretoria, South-Africa we know the best and correct methods to promptly complete orders. Knowledge of each embassies document rules, submission procedures and payment requirements ensures we avoid delays and rejected documents.

Totally Comprehensive Embassy Attestation Process.
We take care of the entire process including the necessary attendances at the Court, Governmental Department, DIRCO and the appropriate Embassy, High Commission or Consulate in Pretoria. Our offices are centrally located in Arcadia withing a few kilometers of more than 100 Embassies. Use Us to Apostille, Attest or Legalise your documents and save yourself a lot of trouble and time.
We understand that legalising documents for use abroad can be complicated. We are here to make your life easier. Do not hesitate to contact us for help or advice.

Get in touch right now
Fill in the relevant fields in the form below to ask us a question or to enquire about any document solution you may need. You can write in the last block if you require an apostille, police clearance, personal document, notarisation, legalisation, authentication, certification or anything else.

Embassies and Document Legalisation

Embassies play an essential role in the South-African document authentication and legalization process. Our embassy pages are packed with practical information on how to legalise your documents. Give us a call if you need more information, or if you don’t see the embassy you are interested in. Our friendly experts will explain the authentication and legalisation process and answer your questions.

The final step of document legalisation sometimes involves submitting your documents to the appropriate embassy or consulate for legalisation.  They will confirm the authenticity of the stamp from DIRCO, and ensure that your documents meet all applicable requirements.  When satisfied, the embassy or consulate will affix a stamp or certificate directly to your documents.

Our team of specialists handle all aspects of the document legalisation and embassy attestation process for our clients.

We actively monitor the changing requirements of over 100 diplomatic missions in South-Africa, to ensure your documents are legalised quickly and accurately. Call our friendly specialists for a free consultation 0870010733 – or fill out the quick Get Started form below.

We’ll discuss the specifics of your situation, laying out your options and answering any questions you have.
How We Can Help image
As a part of our authentication and legalisation services, we will take care of every detail, including the payment of the embassy / consular fees. When we prepare your detailed quote, we will include the Consular Fees. These fees will be paid by us and will depend on the type of documents, the number of documents, and in some cases the speed of service at the diplomatic mission.

Contact us to discuss your document and find out the cost for consular fees for your documents. Call us at 0870010733 or send us an online enquiry.

Yes! We can certainly help with the legalisation of your South-African documents.

We will help you to make sure you have the correct documents, that you provide the correct supporting documents, and we will deal directly with the diplomatic mission on your behalf. You send your documents to us and we will handle the rest!

Contact our friendly specialists to discuss your options and find out more about the process.

 Embassy List:

  • Angola Embassy Attestation
  • Canada Embassy Attestaion
  • China Embassy Attestation
  • Egypt Embassy Attestation
  • Iran Embassy Attestation
  • Mozambique Embassy Legalisation
  • Nigeria Embassy Attestation
  • Qatar Embassy Attestation.
  • Saudi Arabia Embassy Attestation
  • Taiwan Document Legalisation
  • Thailand Embassy Attestation.
  • UAE (United Arab Emirates) Embassy Attestation
  • Vietnam Embassy Attestation

Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burma Myanmar, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Congo Republic, Congo Democratic, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar Burma, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Togo, Thailand, Turkmenistan, UAE (United Arab Emirates), Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe