Document Legalisation - We check and prepare your documents before submission.

Document Preparation of your Documents  image
Document preparation is the first step of the document authentication and legalisation process.

If you make a mistake in this first step you will need to restart the process from the beginning, losing time and money. Read on for information on this crucial step, or contact our friendly experts directly to get your questions answered.

How to Prepare Your Documents
Preparing your documents for the authentication and legalization process can involve any of the following:
  • having your documents notarized
  • having a notary make certified true copies of your documents
  • having certified translations made of your documents
  • providing required supporting documents
Click on the buttons below for more info, or contact our friendly specialists to discuss the document preparation requirements that apply to your specific situation!

How can you help me?
When you contact us for a free consultation the first thing we’ll do is discuss your situation with you to determine the specific document processing requirements that apply. We’ll then help you with these preparations, ensuring your documents are ready for the authentication and legalisation process. Phone us at 0870010733 or fill out our quick GET STARTED form below and we’ll get right back to you.